I’m Grounded…
Hey guys! Thank you all for my B-day wishes! I wish all the best to all! Again I was a terrible blogger… and what can I say about commenting on my friends’ bloggies… Sorry guys!
You are wondering why I’m grounded?! I started to pee-pee everywhere in the house… in the kitchen, in the bedrooms, on the living room carpet… Don’t know why… I have this feeling that I HAVE TO pee everywhere! But the humans seem not to understand…
They yell a lot! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! RONIIIIIIIIIIIN! Ya’ but what can I say?!
The human with the computer is preparing that black box to go somewhere… don’t know where… But I decided to stay in the box so I can go too… But it seems that the naughty puggies are not allowed… :(
Oh well… At least the human helped me to write this post although I’m grounded.
How are you guys?
Have a super Sunday!