Thursday, November 02, 2006

Baby Tooth

Look at my baby tooth guys! One of my humans managed to get one while we were playing today! I didn’t feel a thing and all my humans were happy! :) I swallowed all the other teeth… I don’t know why… If I knew how happy my humans would be if they got one! Oh I forgot to tell you!!! It seems that Santa gave me my two front teeth in advance for being such a good pooch!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad your Mommy found one fo your teeth. They make the cutest little keepsake. Long rooted to aren't they?

Do you know that song "All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth"?

Anonymous said...

Well, at least your not bleeding all over your toys like I was. I really scared my Mommy. She called the vet to make an apointment, but they told her it was probably just my baby-teeth.

When your adult teeth come in though, you'll look really tough! ;)

Kara (Turskey) Vaught said...

did you get a treat under your pillow? I have three of Kritter's baby teeth - he left them for me to step on!