Hello everyone and everydoggy! How are you all? Here is very, very, very hot outside! 107, 6 degrees F!!! We are going to melt! I don’t like it! In the weekend we went to grandma’s… I was so happy about the idea… When I saw my humans packing, I knew! So I took my leash and waited in front of the door. I couldn’t wait to get there! The weather was normal for July so we could enjoy a day outside with a big barbeque! Of course I got chicken meat again! Yumieee! I stayed in the shade under a summer umbrella and I was just fine…drank a lot of water. :)
My human captured some pics of a willow tree butterfly… I think that what it was; and another photo of a little girl pigeon… I mean… we think it was a girl… because another pigeon (maybe the boy) was bringing sticks and grass so that they could make a nest.
Oh and now I have to endure this kind of weather… so warm… too warm…
See’ ya guys! I’m going to drink some water and to take a nap.
C'mon! C'mon! Hurrryyyy!!!
What? I'm just chilling! Go away!
What is that? Stay away thing!
This is interesting no?