Monday, December 17, 2007

Preparing for Christmas!!!

Yeyyyyyyyy!!! Hey guys! It’s almost Christmas!!!!! Oh boy, oh boy! I’m so excited! I wonder what I will get from Santa! I was a good pooch… a few pee-pees where I’m not supposed to… I didn’t chew anything that was not mine… So it means I wasn’t very naughty, right?
This weekend we decorated the Christmas tree! Wow! It was so great! And it snowed!!! Yupiiii!! The first real snow in 4 years around here!

Can I take one of these things? No? Why? Plzzzz!!!

Look guys! MY Christmas tree!
Hey, I'm cute no?
Dear Santa, I was a very good puggy!
Human, I'm starting to feel sleepy.... try to finish...
Oh no! The Rain dear horns...
Hey! Who turned off the light??
Now I really want to take a nap!


Par said...

Thats lots of christmas stuff.
Did you help decorate the tree?

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, that tree looks pawsome! You are such a funny boy Ronin...Nice blooper pictures!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Love your tree and all the pictures of you. You are looking very festive.

Have a nice day
Scrappy and Pebbles

PreciOus said...

Oh Ronin! You are so adorable! My sista says she feel like giving you a tight hug right now! *Hugs*


Lizzy said...

Those are great pictures! Your tree is beautiful, Ronin!

He he, I think you look kinda cool in those red antlers...


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Haa you sure are doing a great job getting ready for xmas

~ Girl girl

Snowball said...

Ronin, I love your puggy face. You are just too cute.


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Ronin your tree looks really bootiful! And as always you look so handsome!!! I can't imagine you NOT getting any prezzies from Santa!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

LOL! Great pics Ronin! I'm sure you will get lots of presents indeed!

Asta said...

I love youw twee!! and I think you wewe a vewy good puggy this awe good to youw fwiends and youw pawents and make us all happy , what could be bettew than that!
I bet you'll get lots of pwessies..I love all the pictoowes of you...I hope you got to take a nap aftew all that exewtion
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Look at all that Christmas stuff!! We loved the photo of you with the hat on your head!!


umekotyan said...

Good evening ronin.
Tonight and Christmas explode.
Please spend wonderful Christmas. :)

from loved ume tyan

Jemima Jones Beck said...

Ronin! You are to cute! I sure hope that Santa brings you a whole bunch of gifts and yum yum treats this year!
Love ya!
Jemima Jones Beck

Ferndoggle said...

Ronin, your tree is pawsome! Our tree is a looks like the leaning tower of pisa!

We hope you have a wonderful Xmas.

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Lacy said...

woofies Ronin!!!! nice to meeteded u...dose r sum cute picturs of u....and me finkies u tree iz wants to wish u a happy howliday season, wiff lots of pressies...

b safe,

Myeo said...


The photo of you dozing off is tooo funny..hahaha

You have been a nice boy. We are sure Santa has something special for you.

Boy n Baby