Sunday, January 21, 2007

"Close Encounter of the Third Kind"

The weirdest thing happened to me a couple of days ago. I never told you, but my humans have another pet: a red ear slider turtle named Turtle… original, no? She stayed in her little aquarium until a couple of days ago, when one of my humans thought that it would be funny to introduce me to her… Nasty business I tell you! I did not like her, and I never will! My human laughed because I was so scared of Turtle (I told you it’s an original name, no?)… But Turtle looks really scary! She has long nails and a big mouth! So I was very precautious! You can never know what could happen… When she was in her aquarium I had no business with her, but now she was invading my SPACE! It’s mine! Finally my human picked her up and put her in her “house”! And stay there!
What the h... is that???
Why is she moving towards me??? Take her away!
Are you talking to me???
Look! She is walking in my kitchen!
I'm a warrior! Don't make another step!!!
Seeeeee???? I'm not afraid of you!
Hm... Turtle "wings"...
Or soup... Hihihihi!!!


♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Oh MY! That is something else! Thats quite the friend you got there Ronin! LOL
too cute!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Funny dog!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

We have a big turtle we see sometimes out back - when the mangoes are ripe. He eat the ones that fall to the ground.

Bussie Kissies

L said...

SO GREAT!!! Turtle and pug, together at last.

Myeo said...

Wow, Turtle is real Big.. we have a tortoise but it is a small one.

Boy n Baby