Monday, February 05, 2007

Play, Play, Play...

Helloooooo!!! How are you guys? I’m trying to play… I don’t know which toy to choose… I have a real ritual in starting a game with my toys! First I choose some of them from my toy box and then I carry them in one room (I prefer the living room)… there, a new process of elimination begins… The process is influenced mainly by my mood… if I’m a little nervous I will pick something of rubber or something that makes noise; if I’m only in the mood to play I pick a stuff toy… This time I picked up my green camel/horse (we still don’t know what it is)… Yup I looooove this toy!
This weekend was great; some humans came to visit and played with me; they didn’t see me before so they were very funny when they started to ask all kind of questions about me…(they all do). I was a very well brought up puggy so I got all kind of treats… After a few hours I was very tired and fell asleep.
Now a short report about my puffy-ness: I still have three meals of food: first one is some puppy food (wet puppy food), at lunch I’m served with some kibbles and wet food for big doggies, and in the evening a few kibbles and biscuits (we don’t want a full tummy when we go to bed? Don’t we?). Of course I have some carrots or other veggies… So I started with 22 pounds and now I have 20 pounds. Nice no? Pug kisses!
Which one? Which one will be the lucky one?
We have a winner!!!! Do you want to play with me? Yes?


Suki & Joey said...

Hey Ronin,
I totally understand the whole toy selection thing. I can be picky sometimes too. Such is the life of a pampered pug-too many toys to choose from!
Are pugs common in Romania? I bet people are always going up to you and giving you treats, lucky pug!

Myeo said...

We want to play with you, can we?

Boy n Baby

L said...

Oh man, what IS that?! Is it a horse, or a camel? That is a confusing toy!

Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hey guys! Suki, tell you the truth we hadn't seen another pug in Bucharest... till now... Weird!
Boy and Baby, I would love to play with you!
Lmizzle, we can't figure it out what the toy is... It looks more like a camel...

Kara (Turskey) Vaught said...

Congrats on your weight loss - we love you puffy or not!