I’ve been tagged again! By Maggie and Nappy!
Oh this is so funny! Let me tell you the rules! You have to post a picture of yourselves with another animal in the pic and to write a funny caption! Very nice!
So here is my story! And I have more than one pic!
So here is my story! And I have more than one pic!
War and Peace, by Ronin the Pug
What are you doing Turtle?
Let me give you a little kiss!What do you mean by NO?!
That means war you green thing! I tried to make peace with you and you patronize me?!
I will bite your leg! Oh yes I will!
I'm not letting Turtle alone! She betrayed me! She wanted war!
Cool turtle! I want one!
Puggy kisses
OMG! That is so funny. Ronin, you are a mess! Who is this turtle, is he a permanent fixture in your house?
Ha! That's great Ronin!
The photograph with other animals is good.
I think that the friend is good. :0
from loved ume tyan
Hi Ronin...
Was that Snappy the turtle that Maggie and Mitch found the other day? Both that little guy traveled far and fast!!! How unusual for a turtle???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hihih! Did you like our Turtle? Original name, no? She is older than me! She is about 12 years old! I don't like her!
you got a turtle in the house...ooo...do you bark at it?
Ha ha, that was too cute. I loved it. That turtle sure would scare me but not you. You went right in there, nose to nose.
Hahaha! Great pictures, and hilarious captions! I enjoyed it. :)
Oh...Ronin, you are so cute with that 'thing'...mmmm..You are brave enough to go so near..Would she bite?
Hehehehe Ronin, that's a cute story! Hope that little snappy turtle didn't snap your little pug nose...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
That was a great story Ronin. We loved watching you show that turtle who the boss is!
Oh ROnin,
You did start of peacefully, but some guys just don't know how to accept kisses...tooo bad for them
love your picture
lots of smoochie kisses
ronin, becareful, i have a friend who got bite by the turtle and was bald around her muzzle area. don't let the turtle bite u.
wet wet licks
You are real brave. That turtle is rather huge.
Boy n Baby
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