Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My History (So Far)

I was born on June 7, 2006. It was such a hot day… I don’t remember very much about my first weeks… I opened my eyes and I saw my mummy and my brothers and sisters. We didn’t have many things to do: just eat, play, poo and sleep. On July 26 I met new humans… they were so funny because they were sure that I need to be fed with a dropper because I was so tiny. They looked at me and they loved me (of course!) and they decided to take me to a new home. A new home, JUST MINE! I was a little frightened of the change; but I got home and I received a new basket just for me, and new toys! I started to like my new life! My humans were so agitated around me when I first started to cough; we surfed the internet and we found out that many little puppy pugs cough in their first months of life; but my humans weren’t sure yet… we went to the vet and she said it could be a canine cough… but after some investigations everything cleared! I was fine… just my nose too small… and the heat from outside. I started to grow… in just a month I’ve grown so much! I got many, many toys, everyone spoiled me, and I became a little naughty boy! :P
I’m the center o attention for my humans and even for other humans… When they call they ask about me. Looool!!! I’m a V.I.P. (P. from Puppy).
See’ yaaaaaa!!!

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