Friday, December 28, 2007

Ronin at Christmastime

Hey guys!!! How was your Christmas??? Did Santa come?
He came to my house! Oh yes he did, he did!!! And brought all kind of interesting things for my humans and especially for (you’ve guessed) ME! Ooooo I got two new rubber toys! (Since the Teddy incident I don’t think I’ll get a stuffed toy really soon.) I got a new little chicken and a dino/turtle toy that makes so much noise! I love it! I got biscuits and two articles of clothes! YUP! A new coat and a pullover! I’m so cuteeeee!!!
The second day of Christmas we went to grandma at the country side… it was snow there… And it was a little cold for me… I wet the snow thing a few times… yup, I did, I did!
Now we are preparing for New Year party! Can’t wait!
Now I leave you with some photos with ME of course and a video!
Oooo!!! These are mineee!! Mine I tell you! I can feel these are my gifts!

Nop! I don't need help!

A photo? Yes! Cute no? Now go away!OH MY! I'm soooo cuteee!! Look at me!
Something in here?
Another photo plz!
No! I don't have to take it off! I like it!
Hey! What's there? Can you hear it?
Snif, snif! Why is this thing so cold?
Can you stop taking photos while I'm trying to... you know...
What do you mean I look like E.T.? Sooo he was a movie star!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Hey guys!!!! Two days and Christmas will be here!!! Oh boy, oh boy!!! On Friday my human with the computer said that I was a very good pooch, so for sure Santa would bring me something really cool! Yup, yup, yuuuup!!! It seems that Santa hid the presents all over the house … Rapped in multi-colored paper! I want to see my present! But I have to be patient! Until tomorrow night!
My humans put the X-mas lights and all those cute little stuffed toys! And it seems they are out of my reach… I want to get one toy! Not to destroy it… just to look at it… My human with the computer bought a very nice CD today… Josh Groban – “Noel” (it’s a little advertising, but we loveeee his music)…
OK all is ready for X-mas! X-mas tree, x-mas decorations, x-mas lights, x-mas outfits, x-mas food… yup! Christmas can come! I’m ready!
and to all a good night!!!!!

Hey Santa! I was good! All year!!!
Can I play with one of the Elves? No??? I'm not gonna drool on it!
If you don't give me one I'll try to take one by myself!
I can't! I'm so tiny! Help me!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Preparing for Christmas!!!

Yeyyyyyyyy!!! Hey guys! It’s almost Christmas!!!!! Oh boy, oh boy! I’m so excited! I wonder what I will get from Santa! I was a good pooch… a few pee-pees where I’m not supposed to… I didn’t chew anything that was not mine… So it means I wasn’t very naughty, right?
This weekend we decorated the Christmas tree! Wow! It was so great! And it snowed!!! Yupiiii!! The first real snow in 4 years around here!

Can I take one of these things? No? Why? Plzzzz!!!

Look guys! MY Christmas tree!
Hey, I'm cute no?
Dear Santa, I was a very good puggy!
Human, I'm starting to feel sleepy.... try to finish...
Oh no! The Rain dear horns...
Hey! Who turned off the light??
Now I really want to take a nap!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Late Saint Nick!

Hi guys!!! Again I have to apologize for not posting for more than a week on my blog! But my human with the computer was in a work trip to Denmark last week. Of course I have a few photos from there, but you should see what my human bought me for Saint Nick!!!! Toys!!! Yup, yup, yup! From Copenhagen! :) Lucky pooch, no?
Now I can’t wait for Christmas! We put up the X-mas Tree in the living room and this weekend we will decorate it! I can’t waaaait! I just love all those jolly, jolly things hanged around our home.
OK, ok! Now photos! The first photos are of course with ME getting a little crazy when my humans tried to help me open my presents. After that I put a few photos from Helsingør (you probably know it by the name Elsinore from “Hamlet” by W. Shakespeare). And the last photos are from Copenhagen where my human spent one night.

What do you mean by "Give it to me!"??? Nooooooo! It's mine!

Don't even think about it human!
I'll do it myself! I'm a big pooch! Go away!
I'm so scarrrry! Grrrr! Don't laugh human! Don't!
Elsinore city... on the other side is the Sweden' shore...
Kronborg Castle... Hamlet's Castle
Helsingør Train Station
Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen
A Gospel Church in Copenhagen

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Ronin and an... Eye....

Hello everyone!!! Looooong time no bloggy! Again my human was too busy to help me with my blog. Well a few things happened this week. Let me tell you! First of all today it’s my country’s National Day so we watch the military parade and all the festivities on TV. Also all the Christmas lights will be lightened tonight!!! I can’t wait to see them!
OK now let me tell you what a stupid thing I’ve done! Do you remember Teddy? MY Teddy??? Well, he had 2 eyes, right? I managed to rip one and I ate it!!!!!! My humans were so scared! They looked for the eye everywhere… they were so upset… But the next day guess what I pooped? Hihihihih!!! You should have seen my humans! Of course all my stuffed toys ended up in the trash… Including Teddy…
Because I’m Teddyless… I decided to play with Turtle (remember her?)… and I didn’t let anyone touch her! I growled and showed my teeth at my humans… I’m so scary! Hihihihi!
Next week on December 6 it’s Saint Nicholas! I told you his story last year… Unfortunately we will celebrate it on December 8… because my human with the computer won’t be home. But I saw a package for me hidden in a closet! Yup! Can’t wait to see what is inside!
Till next week I send you lots of hugs!
Have a super weekend!!!

UPDATE: The tallest Christmas Tree in Europe; nice no?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I’m Soooo Tired

Hello guys! How are you? I’m fine… again my human with the computer invoked the busy stuff… I don’t like it… But it’s weekend again and I’m going to have a lot of fun. I got 2 rawhide bones today; oh yes I did! And the humans bought all kind of Christmas things! Oh I can’t wait to see them in our X-mas tree!!!
These days the human with the computer made some time to make fun of ME… And I was just trying to take a nap… What was so funny? I was tired! So what?!

Have a super weekend guys!

You woke me up! Go away!

Friday, November 09, 2007

An Angel and Some Cream

Hello guys! How was you week? Finally it is weekend and my humans have time for me again!
This week I got something new! Because I was upset that my human bought me devil horns for Halloween, I got an Angel T-shirt! Look at me! Don’t I look cute?
And of course my human had to make fun of me and post some pictures of me while I was eating cream… Excuse me but I don’t have hands but paws and I can’t use a napkin… maybe just to chew it.
Oh! Oh! Two days and our little Suki will turn 1 year!!!! Oh boy oh boy! Can you believe it! It was like yesterday she was a little, little puppy puggy! And she will give a great Barkday Pawty at Disney World!!!! Yeeeeeyyyyy!!!!

Have a great weekend all!!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Scary Video!!!

Hey guys!!! How was your Halloweeeeen??? Did you get scared? Did you go trick or treating? I saw a few scary movies… Like Scream, Sleepy Hallow, Hostel, Final Destination 3, and Nightmare Before Christmas… yup… Very nice! We ate some chestnuts and pumpkin pie… actually my humans did… And after that we tried to go to bed… but after so many scary movies do you think I went to sleep? YES! Immediately! Hihihihi!!! I’m a grown puggy! I’m not afraid of no ghost!
Oh, oh! This is a video of me trying to protect the pumpkins (we nicknamed them Jack and Sally)! I thought they were just mine… but noooo the human had to take them; but I decided not to let them go! They were mine! Mine!

Have a nice weekend all!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat!!!!!!!

Happy Halloween to everyone and every doggy! Have a spooky spooky night with lots of caaandies and treats! And spooky movies! Yup! I’m going to see some spooky/horror/creepy movies with my humans!!!
Count Pugula